Hi Beautiful One,
I've dealt with my share of difficult people, but the most difficult person I have ever dealt with is myself. I have been the abused and the abuser; and within that time I have wrestled with the thoughts around both. I have dealt with what it means to be on myself about myself. It's not easy facing demons and it's not easy facing someone else's, but if you never speak up how can anyone know something is wrong.
I pride myself on being aware of where I am mentally, emotionally, and physically. That's what makes life a bit harder: knowing when I have hit my limit and deciding how to proceed. It's not enough to know. It's about action. When I have tipped the scales backwards in order to serve the status quo I lose sight of the goal. I realized that the "goal" was placed in the accolades and not in the purpose of my struggles. Without knowing your "why" it's easy to lose sight of yourself. It'll become easy to allow people to treat you how they want without remorse and without consequence. So, now I tell people what the problem is and I stand my ground not just against oppressive forces on the outside, but the inside as well.
Show them they were wrong about you. Show yourself that you were wrong about you. That start's by taking ground. That starts with action.
People don't get to tell you how they hurt you. No one gets to look at you and define your pain, mistreatment, nor suffering. You have every right to speak your truth and stand your ground because at the end of the day you are fighting for yourself. It's not enough to play peacemaker all of the time when this world requires you to stand and fight in the war over your well being. So, with all authority and will, fight. Fight for the kid who needed you when you were abused. Fight for the kid who needed you when they touched you unappropriately. Fight for the kid who was manipulated then tossed aside. Never feel bad for holding others and yourself to a standard of respect that is above the bare minimum they are willing to provide. Remember your "why" and go #getyoursz
I love you,
G.E.M. Stone