Insanity is doing the same wrong things, expecting a different result. If this is true, why do you continue to do them? If we are our habits and rituals, our lives result from our patterns. If we don't like our lives, then theory suggests we must change the patterns. Therefore, different results are possible. It all sounds so simple in writing, but the execution is crucial. After all, this is a mind game. Every action starts with a thought. As a man thinketh, so is he.
It is safe to say you don't have "problems." You have behavioral responses that you develop over time to survive. Now, these behaviors no longer suit where you currently are in life. This thought is the beginning of a change in your life. Life is life. We were not all gifted with emotionally mature family members who were well off financially. Each person is different and develops what they need over time. That is okay! The best part of life is the beginning of a new season. New seasons come with new challenges that force us to face ourselves.
To get to know yourself deeper each day is a blessing. It is what you want to say to yourself. Otherwise, resentment and disappointment will meet you where grace and mercy should have met you. One of the most important relationships you can develop and have is one with yourself. You must gain the knowledge you need to know yourself inside and out. When new challenges come, and they will, knowing yourself will be the difference between giving in and giving up. So, how well do you know yourself?
What are you running from?
When tests and trials come, how do you respond? What fear does a challenge bring up? Many of our current responses to challenges can be traced back to childhood moments. Some back to other life moments. Whatever the case, you are back to this fear when it is time to grow. Growth forces you to face yourself. What you don't deal with will deal with you. Push yourself to recognize your anxieties the next time life wants you to rise to whatever occasion.
What are you running towards?
Is it television that grabs your attention? Do you immerse yourself in a show that helps you escape your reality? Most people are aware of what and who they use as a way to alleviate the stress of facing themselves. We all need a break, but when it turns into a vice, that's a big problem. We should be bound to improve, not to dissociate. What is something that stops you from writing the blog? What gets in the way of expressing your boundaries to that person? When temporary delights become habitual distractions, growth is delayed and ultimately lost.
Why are you running?
What we all forget, or maybe we don't, is no matter how far we run, the problem(s) will still be there. So, why run? It's not easier to ignore, it's convenient. By choosing what's convenient today, you inconvenience your tomorrow. There's a reason why you run. Deep down, we all know why. If you take your emotions out of it, you can see a clear path to what holds you back. Once you find it, meet this with love, grace, and mercy. The issues we run from our saturated in our freedom to become the best versions of ourselves. We run because we think it will defeat us when it will give us strength for the journey.
Every day is an opportunity to change. We all are. We have the freedom to choose. Our choices determine whether we stay bound to our fears or take the leap of faith into the unknown. We learned how to survive based on circumstance, but that time has passed. This new season is a place to learn how to thrive in a designed path. Circumstantial occurrences must come, but we can change how we respond based on how deeply we meet ourselves.