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Image by Annie Spratt

How to Choose “One Day” or “Day One”

Hi, Beautiful One, 

It is my first letter of the year to you. I know what you're thinking, "Yes, Gem, that is obvious." I always think the same at the beginning of the year. It's the start of a new year. There's a chance to improve and evolve. There's a difference in how I approach these thoughts now. Day one or one day? You choose.

I used to think if I didn't get things right in January, what remained of my year would be ruined. I would give up before I began. Soon, there was this shift to focus on the first 90 days of the year. When I started the strategy, things were a bit easier. But it wasn't enough to quench the thirst I had for change. 

Have you heard the saying, "You create abs in the kitchen"? Well, your goals exist in your mind. You choose you every day. It's a conscious choice that will become a habit over time. I say this to you all of the time: dedication over motivation. Motivation is the song that gets you pumped up for the gym. What happens when that song is over? Dedication, however, is a belief system you create in your mind. The belief is you believing in yourself. Easier said than done, I know. So, how do you choose "one day" or "day one"?

Remember, Progress Isn't a Straight Line

Remember: there are mountains and valleys on your way to your goal. Don't get high with the high. Don't get low with the lows. Stay centered. When you look back, the road will never be clear. Just get moving. 

Restart When Necessary 

Who says you can't restart? Who says what age is too old? These worldviews are for the world. These rules hold you captive. Guess what? These rules exist to break. 

Track Yourself

I know it's scary, but it's the best way to be honest with yourself. Create the plan. Implement the plan. Adjust the plan as necessary. How do you adjust? Track every movement. Write down every calorie. Set yourself up for success.

Maybe the reason you give up is because you're afraid of you. Treating yourself with the same conditions they put on you is easy. Breaking the mold they created for you is the only way to ensure your victory. You get a choice. You get to choose. This year will be the year when you are ready to pay the cost. The payment isn't a one-time thing. Neither are you. 

I love you, 

G.E.M. Stone 


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