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Image by Annie Spratt

Are You Ready For "More"?

Hello Beautiful One,

We’re 9 months into a year that has blown my mind in ways I never imagined. In this quiet life away from everything I once knew, I’ve been allowed to just be still. I’ve been given the chance to just invest in myself and into my relationship with God.

What I once viewed as “not enough” and “small steps” have now become necessary ways to learn how to just show up. I think I’ve said this before, but I’m relying on the routine more than the motivation now. Everything has its place and micro adjustments are made because of the foundation that’s been built.

This gives me reason to believe I have created space for expansion. There’s room for more now that I understand consistency is key here. Showing up when I hate it is so important. Showing up when I don’t feel like I should is so important.

And to think…it started with the thought, “is this enough?” It started with a baseline fear that what I had in my hands wasn’t enough to reach goals when those goals were never the goal in the first place.

What if it was never about the number of like, views, and followers, but it was about the process you needed to go through to improve yourself.

When you have been granted anonymity, do you curse it? Or do you enjoy the time in the quiet before chaos comes? In the stillness do you seek to understand yourself? Or ignore the demons that have plagued your mind, body, and spirit? This is what I have to ask you now because a time WILL come where you will NOT reach the goal in your mind. Not because you can’t, but because you haven’t done the work to expand. But has anyone told you when it’s time to expand? Ask yourself these questions…

If I got what I wanted right now could I handle it?

I mean can you? If you were on the stage. If you were accepting the Oscar. If you were rolling in cash. Could you really handle it all in your current state of mind, physical well-being, or emotional state? Everything sounds great on paper, but the actuality of it all is different.

Am I lying to myself?

There’s nothing worse than lying to yourself about where you are. You are enough of if that means you can only do SO much to reach your goals, START THERE. One day you’ll reach the capacity you want, but be honest with yourself if you’re just not there YET.

What can I do with what I have in front of me?

I get it, if you only had the camera. If you only had the guitar lessons. If you only had blah, blah, blah. Right now in this moment, take inventory of what you DO have. Find ways to use it! You are a creative! Nothing one man’s hands is EVERYTHING in yours.

We beg for more without examining what is in our current space. You can’t expect much when you haven’t put your hands on the little. Expansion comes when you have made due with what you have and when you have made space for what can be. Are you ready for more? Or are you afraid to use what’s in front of you?

I love you,

G.E.M. Stone


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