Hello Beautiful One,
The start of this year is so different for me. I don't have a list of things to accomplish. I don't feel the pressure of getting things done by the end of the year. I just know that everything God has for me this year will come. Of course, there are wants and needs, but in all honesty it feels good to be able to take a breath about it all. I'm so hard on myself.
I can get so wrapped up in achieving that I forget to live. I forget that life is worth living. The very air we breathe is a blessing, but or heads are always down. I have taken an interest in myself, a deep interest in myself. All of the love and encouragement I have given to others, I want to spend this year giving that to myself and it's exciting. No focus on deadlines, no running to the rescue (unless I'm lead to), and no more involvement in things that have nothing to do with me. 2022 is a year of allowing my light to shine wherever I am and I believe that means giving myself all I can to embrace the flame inside of me.
It's so easy to become unraveled because we are wrapped around the ways of this world. It's easy to forget that today is more important than a tomorrow that may never happen. We forget that we are happening to life, life is not happening to us. It takes a step back, a walk outside, a look up to that beautiful sky to realize that we are in constant alignment with the world around us. You shape your life day by day to become a mixture of what you imagine and what God has for you that goes beyond what you imagine. The catch is letting go.
So, I expect nothing this year, but I also expect everything. I am taking in each day, each day. I am letting tomorrow think about itself and allowing myself to be full in the blessings of the day I am in. I am tired of always being tired because I am worried about this goal and this requirement that honestly I put on myself. Life is about living and I'm going to do just that. You should too.
I love you,
G.E.M. Stone